Monday, August 5, 2013

The Beginning

Well, deciding to home school was easy for me. Here's the back story.
We began fostering our son in 2010, where he was just about to turn 3. We enter him into the Head Start Program in August 2011. There he was always getting into trouble so the teacher asked if he was on medication or if we have had him tested. We had not at that time, but scheduled for him to be tested a little later. At his Dr. appointment, he was diagnosed with ADHD, but my husband and I chose to not medicate with drugs from the Dr, but to try natural med's first. As he continued to go to "school", he was still getting into trouble and tensions grew between me and the teacher as she would ask me every day if we were going to medicate him. It grew old very quick. Then we (hubby and I) noticed T was being separated from the class a lot more, always in time out. So me trying to help, had T go to "schoool" for the formal schooling time, but when it was time for nap, I'd pick him up so he could nap at home. This worked for a little bit, then he was still getting into trouble for not sitting still, following directions etc. This was crazy to me, as my little boy was just that, a little boy. He's not built to sit still, he needed to move, play, be a kid. Then one day I drove by the school early, and they were at circle time, all except my son, he was sitting on the pouch, in a chair, crying. They had the door open, but he was physically sitting outside. I was not happy to say the least. I took him home at that moment. My husband wanted him to go back, I didn't. I reluctantly let him go back for another 2 weeks. During the 2 weeks, we put him on meds from the Dr, but I was not happy as my son was a zombie kid. He didn't want to play, eat, he didn't want to do anything. I took him off the meds after 3 days and told my husband we could revisit meds a t a later time, that it was way too early for them now and I hate my kid being like a zombie. Then it was time for hubby to do his 2 week training in El Paso, and we went along with him and stayed with a friend that was stationed there. That is when hubby decided to allow me to pull him and start preschool at home. That's when the adventure began.

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