Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Diagnoses

With homeschooling I  had no clue where to start, so I started looking around on Pintrest, Facebook, and searching the web how to start. I would say I had an eclectic style as I pulled from many sources. I used for a while, but T was able to finish their Preschool 1&2 pretty quickly. We also had T evaluated by a Psychological Evaluation for 2 reasons: 1. He was having some difficulty completing age appropriate tasks and 2. It was necessary to complete the adoption. This is where our life got a little crazy. It was hard to take in the out come of the evaluation but also gave me answers to his difficulties. He had been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD combined, ODD, and High Functioning Autism. We still did some schooling but it was sporadic for a bit as we figured out what our next step to take after the diagnosis. We began therapies. He did PT to help him learn to walk flat foot, as he could not put his heal to the ground. We did about 8 months and 2 rounds of foot braces. Then we revisited the ideal of medicating him for his ADD/ADHD, as he was became a challenge to handle. We started out with a stimulant, and very quickly took him off it, as he became very violent and out of control. So we chose to try a non stimulant, and he did so much better. He became a child I could handle and he was able to take in so much more as he learned.  Now that you have the back story into T, we are going to jump into current time.
He is currently in OT, ABA, and sees a psychologist once a month and started Kindergarten August 5, 2013.

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